Homogenization and cell rupture plants | Homogenization and cell rupture | Edelflex


Homogenization and cell rupture

Our micronization and homogenization systems represent a reliable and complete solution that starts with the previous preparation of the mix (suspension, emulsion or aerosol), a dedicated feeding to the homogenizer, a possible subsequent cooling to compensate the temperature rise that the homogenization process can cause, and finally sending the product to the feeding sector or the recirculation to the origin tank in case of a batch process.

The equipment being carefully selected and integrated to the system is fundamental to ensure a reliable and long lasting functionality of the homogenization unit. The safety elements must be also in the system so it can react efficiently and under the maximum security to respond to an eventual failure in any part of the installation.

In aseptic processes, the aforementioned elements must be designed to comply with the concepts of asepsis and sterility.

Homogenizing systems are also used for cell or bacterian rupture in biotecnological processes, where the pressure conditions are up to 1500 bar. In theses cases it is even more important that the whole plant is designed and projected with the highest level of safety and quality.

We have a vast experience in this type of equipment and we have installed homogenization and cell rupture plants in the most diverse applications.

  • Edelflex - Plantas de homogeneización y ruptura celular. Homogeneizadores


    Edelflex - Plantas de homogeneización y ruptura celular. Homogeneizadores

  • Edelflex - Plantas de homogeneización y ruptura celular. Homogeneizadores


    Edelflex - Plantas de homogeneización y ruptura celular. Homogeneizadores